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Biohellenika successfully renewed its international accreditation by the AABB for the family storage of stem cells


On 09.26.2014, BIOHELLENIKA S.A. successfully renewed its international accreditation from the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). Biohellenika obtained accreditation for the first time in 2010 and since then it is renewed every two years with great success. The accreditation by AABB is one more advantage for the parents,  because  units banked in the company’s laboratories are  acceptable by all local hospitals and abroad for transplantation.

The AABB accreditation is an internationally recognized quality assurance of the services implemented by Biohellenika both during processing and storage of the units, as well as releasing them for their therapeutic applications in clinics and hospitals all over the world. It should be noted that Biohellenika has successfully released units for treatments both in United States and Europe.

The president of Biohellenika S.A., Dr. George Koliakos, congratulates the executives of the company for their excellent performance during the inspection by the two AABB expert assessors that lasted two days and as he said "It is very important that the company maintains its international accreditation during the economic crisis. The international accreditation of AABB guarantees and assures the value of services that Biohellenika offers to the international medical community and also to the parents who chose Biohellenika to cryopreserve the valuable stem cells of their children. The high quality of our services and the current hi-tech infrastructure and investment are combined with a competitive pricing policy adapted to the current difficult economic environment. Biohellenika always faithfully follows its principles for excellent service of the future parents who decide to “secure” the health of their children banking their precious stem cells at birth".

The innovative services for stem cells cryopreservation from cord blood, placenta, total length of umbilical cord, deciduous (first) teeth and adipose tissue in combination with the excellent equipped laboratories, the prompt service and scientific briefing of parents in conjunction with the care and support of well-known doctors highlight Biohellenika as a unique company that responds with compassion and reliability to the needs of the family.

About AABB

AABB is an international organization which certifies institutions involved in cellular therapies, including transplantation medicine. It was established in 1947 and is committed to promoting the improvement of health services by evolving the practices and standards in medicine and cellular therapies in order to optimize the safety of both donor and patient. (