Biohellenika - Stages of collection

Stages of collection

The 5 stages of stem cell collection, process and cryopreservation

  1. Our authorized partners supply the parents with the collection kit without any charge after a detailed advising and filling in all the necessary documents. The tooth should be exacted by the dentist.
  2. Preserve the collection kit in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours before the extraction of the tooth.
  3. Bring the collection kit to the dentist and he will put the deciduous tooth into the vial containing the preservation liquid right after the extraction.
  4. Then place the vial with the deciduous tooth into the collection kit and immediately arrange with our authorized partner the transfer of the deciduous tooth to the lab.
  5. When the tooth is received by the lab, our scientists will extract the dental pulp, isolate and cryo-preserve the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). A certificate of cryopreservation is issued that describes the quality and quantity of the cells, accompanied with the necessary laboratory measurements.

The collection of dental pulp stem cells from two teeth gives an adequate number of mesenchymal stem cells for a safe therapeutic use.

The extraction of the tooth must be done by a dentist and during the early stages of movement. Teeth with intense and persistent mobility may eventually not contain stem cells. In case of absence of your dentist or because you have not supplied the kit on time, we propose to put the tooth in a glass of milk in your refrigerator. Contact as soon as possible our company and we will provide more information.