Biohellenika - Ρrenatal / Ρostnatal control

Ρrenatal / Ρostnatal control


Biohellenika offers a complete testing program related to prenatal and postnatal control as well as tests related to infertility. These tests include karyotype and FISH to detect abnormalities of the chromosomes and tests for cistic fibrosis, thrombofilia, viral, parasitic and bacterial infections. The samples testes are: amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, material of miscarriages, fetal blood and peripheral blood.


Indications of prenatal screening include:

Ø Maternal age >35

Ø Ultrasound fetal abnormalities (eg indications for Down Syndrome)

Ø Increased risk of abnormalities portrayed in the biochemical control of the 1rst and second trimester.

Ø Parents who are carriers of chromosomal abnormalities

Ø Previous birth of a child with chromosomal abnormality

Ø Intrauterine death

Ø Determination of the sex in sex-linked diseases

Ø Spontaneous miscarriage

Ø Increased anxiety of the mother


Indications of postnatal control include:

Ø Infertility

Ø Recurrent miscarriages

Ø Medical history of intrauterine death or of previous child with birth defects.

Ø Apparent/visible congenital abnormalities

Ø Absence or delay of the development of the characteristics of the sex.

Ø Primary amenorrhea


The examinations of infertility include:

Ø FV-Leiden, F 2 (prothrombin), homocystinemia (MTHFR)

Ø Viral infections (herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus)

Ø Chlamydia, mycoplasma, naiseries

Ø Toxoplasma, B-streptococcus


The laboratories of biohellenika are accredited by ESYD (National Accreditation System). All tests are performed by qualified molecular biologists and evaluated by physicians specialized in Genetic Centers abroad with which they maintain partnerships. Apart from the tests mentioned above, other more specific tests can be conducted upon request. The information provided is valuable for the prognosis of the person with the abnormality, its relatives, future pregnancies and future generations.