Inspection of Biohellenika Laboratories by FACT Organization
On Thursday 14/11/2024 and Friday 15/11/2023 Biohellenika was inspected by the international organization, FACT (Federation for the Accreditation for Cellular Therapies). The inspection was carried out by two FACT inspectors. We are expecting the inspectors report in a month.
Accreditation by FACT is mandatory based on the legislation n. 3984/2011 and YA A3c/oc.18092 Gazette 1005 March 24, 2017 and there is a deadline for each stem cell bank to complete it. Biohellenika is within the time frames.
Parents in order to choose the bank that will store their child's stem cells must ask for FACT accreditation or if the bank is within the legal time limits for receiving it.
Since 2010, Biohellenika has also been accredited by the international organization AABB (American Association for the Advancement and Blood Biotherapies) and since 2008 by the National Accreditation System (ESYD) for all quality tests demanded by law in Umbilical Cord Blood and mother’s blood.