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Precision medicine using autologous young stem cells

Preventive personalized medicine starts at birth

Professor George Koliakos

“Doctors have always recognized that every patient is unique, and doctors have always tried to tailor their treatments as best they can to individuals.”

President Obama, January 30, 2015 - The precision Medicine initiative

Every human being is genetically unique. Therefore, the same therapy is not always successful to every patient with the same disease.

Personalized or precision Medicine exactly matches each preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic approach to each patient’s unique individual characteristics.

Personalized medicine also includes the creation of biopharmaceuticals and biological products designed precisely for the particular individual—e.g., "...patient-specific tissues, organs or organoids to tailor treatments for a certain patient." These must be genetically matched with the patient, originating from his own cells. Stem cell research today holds an enormous potential for the therapy of several diseases that were considered fatal or non treatable, including the creation of replacement cells, tissues and even organs and tools for drug screening. These cell-based systems and therapies are created using autologous (patient-derived) stem cells, offering thus a basis for incredibly sophisticated individualized biopharmaceuticals with maximum therapeutic efficacy.

Stem cells that can be collected after birth are defined as “Adult Stem Cells”. Adult stem cells are today the successful golden standard for novel individualized therapies. A rapidly growing treasure in the medical literature of clinically validated applications has been already accumulated.

The only successful and clinically applicable stem cell types today are Adult stem cells, and this justifies the amounts of money invested in this field. Adult stem cell applications surpassed 1 million people around the globe by the end of 2012 and their clinical applications are increasing rapidly in most medical specialties.

These most valuable individual stem cells, saved for the future patient can be collected upon birth and cryopreserved today in Biohellenika’s accredited laboratories.

Published clinical research suggest potential cardiovascular applications, treatment of type I diabetes and spinal cord injury using umbilical cord blood and cord tissue–derived cells. Striking results have been reported to treat neurological conditions, including cerebral palsy, autism, multiple sclerosis and stroke. Adult stem cells are also used as vehicles for genetic therapies using novel gene modification tools such as transposons or CRISPR technology.

However, every patient, every human being is unique, therefore young cells from the same patient will be always needed.

Young cells from the same patient can be painlessly collected in large amounts only at birth, and only if the caring parents consider to collect these cells upon birth.

We store more cells than anybody else

Hematopoietic stem cells

Our proprietary technology, yields more cells than any other conventional method.

More than 98% of red blood cells are eliminated and therefore storage volume is only 6 ml.

The yield of Stem cell is 99+/-1%

A small amount of the toxic Cryopreservant DMSO is used because of the small volume.

There is no need of further processing after defreezing, so we do  not lose cells

Additional, proprietary, ex utero collection can give units sufficient for therapy .

Multiplication technologies are under development.

Mesenchymal stems

Our proprietary technology uses the whole length of umbilical cord to produce millions of cells.

We store cells ready for use and not tissue parts, as conventional methods do.

These cells can be used for todays mesenchymal stem cell therapies or become the raw materials for personalized biopharmaceuticals of the future. These cells can also multiplied if more cells are needed.

Young Immune system cells

The raw material for personalized immunotherapy

Newborn immune system cells such as monocytes and lymphocytes are stored. Lymphocyte populations such as T reg cells and NK cells can be today multiplied and used for autologous immunotherapies. T lymphocytes can be the raw material for the production of autologous biopharmaceuticals such as Car-T cells for cancer therapy. Monocytes can produce dentritic cells a basis for specified personalized vaccines

A multitude of new possibilities for the use of these stored immune cells is rising.

VSEL cells

The future of personalized medicine

Only in our company, using proprietary technology, VSEL cells can be stored in a separate cryovial.

These cells are the mother cells of any other stem cell in the organism and can derive any other type of adult stem cell in the lab, including sperm and oocytes. VCEL cells can be multiplied without loosing their differentiation capacity.

Experience of more than 40000 collections