Biohellenika - Latest News

Distinction of Biohellenika

Biohellenika is always present in innovation

Biohellenika attends 70th Congress of the Greek Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biohellenika won another distinction at the 70th congress of the Greek Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Athens on 29/11/2019-2/12/2019.

The Research &Development Department of Biohellenika has for the first time developed an innovative system of combined application of adipose tissue stem cells and time-controlled release of anti-angiogenic drugs by nanofibers with the aim of addressing retinopaties. There are no effective treatments for retinal diseases as most of them delay the onset of clinical symptoms rather to reverse the main pathophysiology of the disease. For this reason most of the patients and to blindness. The only promising treatment today are cellular therapies using stem cells. However, limitations related to the pathological  environment in the diseased tissue make it difficult to  provide such forms of the treatment.

For the first time we propose in this study a system of gradual reduction of abnormal neovascularization in the retina using specially constructed biomaterials carrying ant-angiogenic agents accompanied by adipose tissue stem cells administration. The combination therapy we propose is already being in animal models of induced retinal damage.