Biohellenika - Latest News

12 years of Biohellenika operation

Dear Parents

Today 7/3/2018 Biohellenika completed 12 years of operation. With patience, commitment, focus and  hard work we expand  Biohellenika in Asia and in one month our lab  in Manila, Philippines, will  accept the first cord blood samples for cryopreservation. Our plans are during  the year to transfer our  expertise in a new lab  in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Today, Biohellenika, with its own funding, is located in 10 countries around the world, overcoming the Greek borders and the economic problems created by the financial crisis.

We invest  in our  Research and Development Department, create  innovative products that we  promote in foreign markets, contributing to the national economy.

The operation of Biohellenika is our main job that we have learned and been practiced during  the 38 years of our medical and academic career.

We continue the tradition of 4th generation in Medicine and hope to be with you by our physical presence  for many years.

The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Biohellenika

George  Kolιakos

Professor of Medicine