Biohellenika - FAQ

Why should I store the stem cells from the umbilical cord blood and not take them from the bone marrow or adipose tissue when I need them?

Stem cells derived from the blood of the umbilical cord and placenta are collected completely pain free and without posing any danger to the child or the mother. Because these cells have the age zero they have the greatest proliferating and differentiating potential. Cord blood stem cells are collected by rule before the beginning of the disease and for this reason they are not carriers of the disease. Few healthy people and only for precaution matters will go through the painful procedure of the collection and storage of stem cells from bone marrow or adipose tissue. When the disease is presented this intake may be dangerous either due to the pharmaceutical treatment that may be administered to the patient or because the patient may be very exhausted and the adipose tissue is rare, or because the bone marrow has already been occupied by the disease.  Furthermore the cells that will be collected will be old and with decreased therapeutic value.