Biohellenika - FAQ

Is it possible that in the future stem cells will no longer be used or maybe replaced by something alse?

Contrary. More and more preclinical and clinic studies concerning the applications of stem cells are presented in medical literature.  These studies raise daily the therapeutic applications of these cells.  Today the use of stem cells is in the bounds of explosion and the parents that have stored their childrens’ stem cells are in a favorable position, since they can benefit from the evolution of technology. After the decoding of the human genome new ways of therapy and new specializations of medicine appear, as are gene therapy and regenerative medicine. The potential of stem cells to create tissue according to the area that they are implanted is well known. So according to studies, stem cells can lead to formation of blood vessels (Japanese Study Hints of Home-Grown Heart Bypasses," Reuters, November 7, 1999) in the area of myocardial infarction or to transform in neural cells and be implanted in area of the brain that has undergone a stroke or injury, or even be transformed in hematopoietic cells in cases of bone marrow replacement.